Visit ANTIKORUPCIJA.BA and learn about corruption in BiH

The web site ANTIKORUPCIJA.BA provides to its readers, on a daily basis, sorted relevant information on the issue of combatting corruption, and makes available, at one place, the relevant documents, laws, regulations, conventions and other documents related to this theme.

Current news:

- APIK: Report corruption! Citizens can report corruption on line

- Kohn: There can be no combatting of corruption unless whistleblowers are protected

- Lisak: The Agency for prevention of corruption is still facing problems

- Moon: BiH Citizens deserve authorities who are not corrupt

- Third capacity building workshop held

As part of the project „Introducing anticorruption measures at Universities in BiH“, funded by the EU, Vesta Association started an educational-informative web portal It includes surveys, statistics and information about the project. Also available are the links to web sites of relevant international and national organisations and institutions which are dealing with this issue.