The reference list
In the past 15 years Vesta Association has realized over 60 projects and service contracts from which the largest number, over 20 were financed by the European Union. Together with the Vesta management and employees, a pool of associates involving 30 external experts from academia and civil society organizations, represents a valuable resource in ensuring the excellence in outcomes and achievements while performing the most complex and demanding projects. The average annual value of Vesta implemented projects in the period 2011/2013 is over 250.000,00 EUR . During the period 2011/2013 year, Vesta Association has implemented projects funded by the European Union through the EIDHR, the EU Communication, IPA, MultiIPA and Outreach program of EUSR, as well as project financially supported by SIDA, UN Women, U.S. Embassy in BiH, WACC - Canada, Open Society Fund, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Germany and government funds.
The Vesta programs and direct support to the beneficiaries are also supported by Vesta own contributions and co-financing provided through the provision of the service contracts and marketing services of Radio Vesta. The Association ensures external audit for EU funded projects in the value over than 100 000 EUR, or smaller grants in accordance with contractual obligations assigned, ensuring fair and accurate financial accounts and statements in all material aspects and in accordance with international accounting standards. Association's program interventions cover the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond within the projects supporting the development process in the region of Western Balkans that are in line with the Vesta mission and strategic orientations.
The Reference list of the VESTA projects and services can be downloaded HERE