Public discussion on the Draft Strategy for combating violence against children in BiH, 2011-2014 convened

A public disussion on the draft state Strategy for combating violence against children in BiH 2011-2014, was held on January 30, in Sarajevo, in the organisation of the BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees. Amongst the participants of the public discussion were the representatives of the Strategy Working Group, the relevant state, entities' and Brcko District ministries/ institutions, international organisations. Also present were the representatives of the civil society Network 'Stronger Voice for Children', a proud new member of which is the Association Vesta.

An hour-and-a-half long discussion resulted in several concrete suggestions for changes and amendments of the offered text and concluded with a recommendation to have the draft of this important document also sent to the relevant cantonal ministries for their feedback, given that they are largely responsible for its implementation and related budgeting.

Majority of the participants expressed satisfaction with the offered text, finding it more concrete, applicable, and of overall better quality documant than the last Strategy. Few participants asked for more time to thoroughly read and comment on the document.

The new deadline for submission of the commnets on the draft Strategy is February 15. After that, the document will ne finalised and, together with the 2010 Report on the implementation of the Strategy, will be sent before the Council of Ministers for adoption, hopefully by the end of March.